So you jailbroke your iphone/ipod touch and modded it to your hearts content, now what? One of the biggest reason why people jailbreak their device is to get free apps which will eventually make their purchase worth the high price they paid for the hardware. In this article we will look at different ways to get these "free" apps and how to install them in your device. YOU NEED WIFI FOR THIS.

You have to add other repositories (online places where the apps/files are) on Cydia so you can find the apps/files you are looking for. You can do this by opening Cydia, then go to Manage, then choose Sources, tap edit on the upper right corner, then tap Add on the upper left hand corner. This will prompt you to input a URL address. Add the addresses listed below individually then tap Add Source:

Make sure you include www on other addresses.

What we need is an app called Installous which can be found in the repository which is the easiest way of directly downloading and installing IPA files into your Iphone/Ipod Touch. Just do a search for Installous after adding the repository and install it. The other repositories are useful for finding Cydia apps/tweaks which are not available with the default repositories (repo for short) so make sure you add them as well. After installing Installous, open the app. It should look like this:

This is the latest version of Installous as of February 2011.

Before doing anything, tap on the Settings option. Turn on Install automatically, delete automatically, and Itunes sync so that the apps will install itself right after downloading it. You DO NOT need the installation file after installing the app so you need to delete it to save space UNLESS you want to share the installation file to your friends or keep a copy if ever someone accidentally deleted the app.

Installation files are not needed after installing the app so automatically delete them.
To find apps from Installous, you may browse the new apps or do a search. The list is arranged chronologically so the latest apps and updates are listed first. Make sure you type the correct spelling of the app you're searching to get the result you need. Sometimes there will be error messages like "IPA not Found", this means that the app you are looking for does not exist on the database (check the spelling) or the server is down (try again later).

If "IPA not Found" check the spelling for Search or try again later. Server might be down.
 To install the app, just tap the download button on the upper right corner. You may scroll down for the app details and screen shots. The is an option to download the app later if you want and the cost of the app in the Appstore for information purposes. Downloading through Installous are "FREE" and will NOT charge you anything. You will not be asked about your credit card or Apple store log-in details so there is no way you will get charged.

Price of the app might be listed when you scroll down but you DO NOT have to pay it.
After tapping "Download" you will be shown a list of versions of the app and the different places where you can download it. The person who cracked the app is listed as well and you can also tap "Launch App Store" to open the app in the official App Store. Sometimes, some links does not work or the app installed does not work properly. In this case, try the other sites listed or use the app from another person who cracked it. If the app still won't work, try a lower version of the app or check for compatibility issues with you firmware.

Try other links/versions if the one you used does not work.

After choosing the link you want, the app will open the site like in a normal browser. Here you will encounter one of three of the most common file sharing sites (FileDude, FileApe, MediaFire) where there are different ways of downloading the file. The key is to know which button to tap because the sites are crammed with false download signs and zoom in so that you hit the right button and not the ads which will take you somewhere else. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to download the file:


Wait for the ads to finish loading. Tap the blank rectangle to input characters.
Type in the Random characters and tap the Download button on the right.
You will go back to the previous window if you got it wrong.
Tap the blue underlined Download sign in the middle.
The download will start if successful. 


Wait for the download link to appear after the countdown.
Tap on "Download Ready!". Zoom in to make sure you tap correctly.
The download will start if successful. 


Just wait for the "Click here to start download.." to appear.

If the you succeeded in starting the download, you will see a notification on the screen saying the download has started. Sometimes it may take a while for the download to start and sometimes it gives an error. You may check your internet connection  if this happens and try again or try the other links. While downloading, you may go and look and download another app or tap on the downloads tab on the bottom to see the progress of your download. Here you may edit your downloads (stop or delete them) and see your previous downloads if you chose not to delete them or if they fail to finish.

Downloads vary according to internet connection quality.


Some apps get regular updates for better usability and bug fixes. You CANNOT update apps you got from Installous in the AppStore. You can update them from Installous by tapping on the Updates icon and the app will automatically search for new versions of your installed apps. Update is done by downloading and installing the newer version of the apps INDIVIDUALLY like the regular installation of new apps. DO NOT delete the apps you want to update. This will erase all your saved games. Installing a new version of the app will automatically overwrite the old one so there is no need to delete the existing app to update.

Installous will automatically search for updates. Check for updates regularly.


After the download or update, you may check your Springboard if the app icon is there. Try opening the app to see if everything is working as it should. If the app did not install or update correctly, there may be several reasons for this:

  • You may have downloaded a corrupt file. This is caused by incomplete downloads or bad transfers.
  • Your firmware version or device generation does not support the app.
  • The latest update does not support your device.
  • There may be conflicts with other apps installed on your device.
  • The installation process might have been disrupted.
  • The developer found a way of stopping the cracked app to be installed in your device.
Here are several tips to remedy this problem:
  • Try the download again.
  • Get better internet connection.
  • Try the other download links.
  • Try lower versions of the app.
  • Update your device's firmware.
  • BUY the app in the AppStore.
Happy installing! :D

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